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This function checks whether inputList has the required form.


checkInputList(inputList, mistypes = c("mnr", "mbd", "mir", "mbi"))



A list. Following the required structure for inputLists in eatPrep.


Character vector. It will be checked, whether the missing types in this vector are defined for all items.


The xlsx-file produced by 'ZKDaemon' is expected to have the following sheets: “units”, “subunits”, “values”, “unitrecoding”, “sav-files”, “params”, “aggregate-missings”, “itemproperties”, “propertylabels”, “booklets”, and “blocks”. readDaemonXlsx will produce a warning if any sheets are missing or wrongly specified.


Logical. TRUE if everything is OK, FALSE otherwise.


Karoline Sachse Philipp Franikowski


#> ── Checking sheets 
#> ── Check: Value Recoding 
#>  Missing types `mir` and `mbi` are defined for all items in valueRecode.
#>  Missing type `mnr` is not defined as valueRecode for items: `I14`.
#>  Missing type `mbd` is not defined as valueRecode for items: `I14`.
#>  value contains the following values over all items: `0`, `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`,
#> `5`, `6`, `7`, `8`, and `9`
#>  valueRecode contains only 0, 1, and the mistypes: `0`, `1`, `mbd`, `mbi`,
#> `mir`, and `mnr`
#> ── Check: Value Types 
#>  No other values than `vc` and the mistypes in valueType.
#> ── Check: Unit Equivalence 
#>  All 28 units in units sheet are also defined in subunits.
#> ── Check: Subunit Equivalence 
#>  All 30 subunits in subunits sheet are also defined in values.
#> ── Check: Unit Recoding 
#>  Units with only one subunit: 27
#>  Units with more than one subunit: 1 (`I12`)
#>  All units with more than one subunit are defined in unitRecodings sheet.
#> [1] FALSE