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#> Loading required package: readxl

The goal of eatPrep, short for Educational Assesment Tools: Preparation, is to automate the preparation of item response test data; especially but not exclusively for typical use cases at the Institute for Educational Quality Improvement (IQB). Therefore it works together with IQB-specific applications such as the ItemDB or ZKDeamon.

The main purpose of eatPrep is to read, score, aggregate and merge data from a regular SPSS (.sav) data file (via the function readSpss()) and metadata from databases (readDaemonXlsx()) and Excel spreadsheets (readMerkmalXlsx()). Additional functions include checking the data (checkData()), meta data (checkInputList()), and the design (checkDesign()), recoding of (missing) values (recodeData(), mnrCoding(), aggregateData(), scoreData(),collapseMissings()), working with rater data (meanAgree(), meanKappa()), evaluating item categories (catPbc(), evalPbc()) and exporting prepared or raw item data sets to different formats (writeSpss(), prep2GADS()). Most of this can be done with a single function call to automateDataPreparation().

In a prototypical scenario, we are constructing a test at the IQB, e.g. for educational purposes. For our pilot study, we have created several overlapping booklets and a variety of items with different item formats (constructed response, multiple choice).
Thereby, the data consists of several layers:

booklets containing blocks
blocks containing units (= items)
units containing subunits/subitems
subunits having values and
values including missings and recode values

Now we would like to prepare the data collected in this way for scaling. In doing so, we would like to know if the booklets are speeded (number of mnr). Additionally, we intend to use different missing treatments for the actual scaling, so we preserve missing values during data preparation and recode them right before scaling the data. eatPrep can help us with all of that.

As a reminder, here is an overview for different value types the IQB uses:

missing types
Code Label Abbr Explanation
-98 mir missing invalid response (1) Item was edited, and (2a) empty answer or (2b) invalid (joke) answer.
-99 mbo missing by omission Item wasn’t edited but seen, or wasn’t seen, but there are seen or edited subsequent Items.
-96 mnr missing not reached (1) Item wasn’t seen, and (2) all subsequent Items weren’t seen, either.
-97 mci missing coding impossible (1) Item should/could have been edited, and (2) answer can’t be analysed due to technical problems.
-94 mbd missing by design no answer, because Item wasn’t shown to the testperson by design.


Information/metadata about items is stored in many different ways, e.g., databases, Excel sheets, sometimes even in item names. eatPrep requires this metadata to have a specific form, namely a series of relational tables. For eatPrep it is most convenient to store these tables in a list. When downloading the eatPrep package, you can find files with some example tables in the data folder.

Sheets have specific names, also the columns in those sheets have specific names.

inputMinimal contains the bare minimum for all functions in eatPrep to work, inputList contains additional metadata about the items (such as information about the task’s content).

# Example: inputMinimal
inputMinimal <- list(units = inputList$units[ -nrow(inputList$units), c("unit", "unitAggregateRule")],
                     subunits = inputList$subunits[, c("unit", "subunit","subunitRecoded")],
                     values = inputList$values[ , c("subunit", "value", "valueRecode", "valueType")],
                     unitRecodings = inputList$unitRecodings[ , c("unit", "value", "valueRecode", "valueType")],
                     blocks = inputList$blocks,
                     booklets = inputList$booklets,
                     rotation = inputList$rotation)

Input tables

Let’s look at the tables from bottom to top, starting with items and their values. In the values sheet, we define values and recode values for each subitem.

Here we see 3 items (called units) from inputList bzw. inputMinimal. One mc (item 1), one short response (item 5), one item with 3 subitems short response (item 12)

items <- c("I01", "I05", "I12")
subitems <- c("I01", "I05", "I12a", "I12b", "I12c")

kable(inputMinimal$units[which(inputMinimal$units$unit %in% items), ])
unit unitAggregateRule
1 I01
5 I05
12 I12 SUM

The values sheet contains all possible values for each subitem and scoring information for each value (e.g., whether it is true, false, or missing). There are several types of missing values.

kable(inputMinimal$values[which(inputMinimal$values$subunit %in% subitems), ])
subunit value valueRecode valueType
1 I01 1 0 vc
2 I01 2 0 vc
3 I01 3 1 vc
4 I01 6 mnr mnr
5 I01 7 mbd mbd
6 I01 8 mir mir
7 I01 9 mbi mbi
30 I05 0 0 vc
31 I05 1 1 vc
32 I05 6 mnr mnr
33 I05 7 mbd mbd
34 I05 8 mir mir
35 I05 9 mbi mbi
80 I12a 0 0 vc
81 I12a 1 1 vc
82 I12a 6 mnr mnr
83 I12a 7 mbd mbd
84 I12a 8 mir mir
85 I12a 9 mbi mbi
86 I12b 0 0 vc
87 I12b 1 1 vc
88 I12b 6 mnr mnr
89 I12b 7 mbd mbd
90 I12b 8 mir mir
91 I12b 9 mbi mbi
92 I12c 1 0 vc
93 I12c 2 0 vc
94 I12c 3 0 vc
95 I12c 4 1 vc
96 I12c 6 mnr mnr
97 I12c 7 mbd mbd
98 I12c 8 mir mir
99 I12c 9 mbi mbi

The subunits sheet contains information about the relationship between subitems and items. This information is used to aggregate subitems to items. If recoded subitems should be named differently than the unrecoded variables in the original data, this can be specified via subunitRecoded. The only type of aggregation currently supported by eatPrep is to count the number of correct subitems per item.

kable(inputMinimal$subunits[which(inputMinimal$subunits$subunit %in% subitems), ])
unit subunit subunitRecoded
1 I01 I01 I01R
5 I05 I05 I05R
12 I12 I12a I12aR
13 I12 I12b I12bR
14 I12 I12c I12cR

unitrecodings contains the same information as the values sheet, but for aggregated items. Here, the value on an item is the aggregated number of correct subitems and the recode value gives a threshold of how many subitems need to be solved to obtain a credit for the item. In the example, I12 has 3 subitems, and one receives a credit if all subitems are solved correctly.

unit value valueRecode valueType
I12 0 0 vc
I12 1 0 vc
I12 2 0 vc
I12 3 1 vc
I12 mbd mbd mbd
I12 mir mir mir
I12 mbi mbi mbi

The minimal use case is that each subitem corresponds to an item. In this case, the value sheet contains all information needed for recoding the items (apart from possibly renaming the recoded items).

input data

We have several overlapping booklets with several blocks in each booklet. Moreover, there is a unique identifier for each person and some additional information about each student like their gender or their socioeconomic status. There is one data set per booklet. In order to prepare the data, we need to construct one large data set.

# looking at the data
#> List of 3
#>  $ booklet1:'data.frame':    100 obs. of  25 variables:
#>   ..$ ID   : chr [1:100] "person100" "person101" "person102" "person103" ...
#>   ..$ hisei: num [1:100] 49 NA 57 32 59 56 55 47 NA 50 ...
#>   ..$ I01  : chr [1:100] "1" "9" "3" "2" ...
#>   ..$ I02  : chr [1:100] "4" "4" "4" "4" ...
#>   ..$ I03  : chr [1:100] "1" "2" "2" "3" ...
#>   ..$ I04  : chr [1:100] "2" "2" "3" "1" ...
#>   ..$ I05  : chr [1:100] "0" "0" "0" "1" ...
#>   ..$ I06  : chr [1:100] "0" "9" "0" "1" ...
#>   ..$ I07  : chr [1:100] "2" "2" "2" "3" ...
#>   ..$ I08  : chr [1:100] "0" "1" "0" "0" ...
#>   ..$ I09  : chr [1:100] "2" "2" "2" "3" ...
#>   ..$ I10  : chr [1:100] "2" "1" "1" "4" ...
#>   ..$ I11  : chr [1:100] "4" "1" "3" "2" ...
#>   ..$ I12a : chr [1:100] "1" "0" "1" "0" ...
#>   ..$ I12b : chr [1:100] "0" "9" "0" "1" ...
#>   ..$ I12c : chr [1:100] "4" "1" "2" "4" ...
#>   ..$ I13  : chr [1:100] "9" "4" "9" "4" ...
#>   ..$ I14  : chr [1:100] "9" "4" "9" "1" ...
#>   ..$ I15  : chr [1:100] "9" "3" "9" "1" ...
#>   ..$ I16  : chr [1:100] "9" "2" "9" "2" ...
#>   ..$ I17  : chr [1:100] "9" "3" "9" "4" ...
#>   ..$ I18  : chr [1:100] "9" "1" "9" "1" ...
#>   ..$ I19  : chr [1:100] "9" "4" "9" "2" ...
#>   ..$ I20  : chr [1:100] "9" "1" "9" "1" ...
#>   ..$ I21  : chr [1:100] "9" "2" "9" "3" ...
#>  $ booklet2:'data.frame':    100 obs. of  25 variables:
#>   ..$ ID   : chr [1:100] "person200" "person201" "person202" "person203" ...
#>   ..$ hisei: num [1:100] 69 76 47 58 62 78 70 26 57 70 ...
#>   ..$ I08  : chr [1:100] "0" "0" "1" "0" ...
#>   ..$ I09  : chr [1:100] "2" "4" "1" "2" ...
#>   ..$ I10  : chr [1:100] "3" "1" "2" "2" ...
#>   ..$ I11  : chr [1:100] "4" "2" "1" "4" ...
#>   ..$ I12a : chr [1:100] "1" "0" "1" "1" ...
#>   ..$ I12b : chr [1:100] "1" "0" "1" "1" ...
#>   ..$ I12c : chr [1:100] "4" "3" "2" "2" ...
#>   ..$ I13  : chr [1:100] "4" "2" "1" "2" ...
#>   ..$ I14  : chr [1:100] "3" "4" "2" "3" ...
#>   ..$ I15  : chr [1:100] "4" "1" "4" "4" ...
#>   ..$ I16  : chr [1:100] "4" "3" "3" "2" ...
#>   ..$ I17  : chr [1:100] "4" "1" "2" "3" ...
#>   ..$ I18  : chr [1:100] "1" "4" "3" "2" ...
#>   ..$ I19  : chr [1:100] "2" "1" "4" "3" ...
#>   ..$ I20  : chr [1:100] "4" "9" "2" "2" ...
#>   ..$ I21  : chr [1:100] "2" "9" "2" "1" ...
#>   ..$ I22  : chr [1:100] "1" "9" "2" "1" ...
#>   ..$ I23  : chr [1:100] "9" "9" "2" "3" ...
#>   ..$ I24  : chr [1:100] "1" "9" "3" "3" ...
#>   ..$ I25  : chr [1:100] "1" "9" "0" "0" ...
#>   ..$ I26  : chr [1:100] "9" "9" "1" "0" ...
#>   ..$ I27  : chr [1:100] "0" "9" "1" "0" ...
#>   ..$ I28  : chr [1:100] "1" "9" "1" "0" ...
#>  $ booklet3:'data.frame':    100 obs. of  23 variables:
#>   ..$ ID   : chr [1:100] "person300" "person301" "person302" "person303" ...
#>   ..$ hisei: num [1:100] 49 NA 57 32 59 56 55 47 NA 50 ...
#>   ..$ I01  : chr [1:100] "2" "3" "2" "1" ...
#>   ..$ I02  : chr [1:100] "4" "3" "3" "3" ...
#>   ..$ I03  : chr [1:100] "3" "1" "1" "1" ...
#>   ..$ I04  : chr [1:100] "1" "3" "1" "1" ...
#>   ..$ I05  : chr [1:100] "0" "1" "1" "0" ...
#>   ..$ I06  : chr [1:100] "9" "1" "0" "1" ...
#>   ..$ I07  : chr [1:100] "8" "2" "2" "1" ...
#>   ..$ I15  : chr [1:100] "3" "9" "9" "9" ...
#>   ..$ I16  : chr [1:100] "1" "3" "3" "3" ...
#>   ..$ I17  : chr [1:100] "4" "4" "4" "4" ...
#>   ..$ I18  : chr [1:100] "4" "4" "4" "4" ...
#>   ..$ I19  : chr [1:100] "2" "9" "9" "9" ...
#>   ..$ I20  : chr [1:100] "3" "4" "2" "4" ...
#>   ..$ I21  : chr [1:100] "3" "2" "2" "2" ...
#>   ..$ I22  : chr [1:100] "3" "4" "4" "9" ...
#>   ..$ I23  : chr [1:100] "3" "1" "1" "9" ...
#>   ..$ I24  : chr [1:100] "1" "1" "1" "9" ...
#>   ..$ I25  : chr [1:100] "0" "1" "9" "9" ...
#>   ..$ I26  : chr [1:100] "1" "0" "9" "9" ...
#>   ..$ I27  : chr [1:100] "0" "9" "9" "9" ...
#>   ..$ I28  : chr [1:100] "0" "9" "9" "9" ...

Getting the Data

To do this, we first need to get the information from our IQB data bank via ZKDeamon, or alternatively via SPSS.




Checking Data

Merging Data



