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This function evaluates discrimination statistics for the categories of categorical variables, i.e. the correlations of each category with the total score on the test..


evalPbc(pbcs, mistypes = c("mnr", "mbd", "mir", "mbi"),
                    minPbcAtt = .05, maxPbcDis = .005, maxPbcMis = .07)



A data frame with the discrimination values for each category of categorical variables: output of catPbc. The data frame contains the following columns: item, cat, n, freq, freq.rel, catPbc, recodevalue, subunitType.


Character or numeric vector. It will be checked, whether the missing types in this vector are defined for all items.


Numeric. Minimum correlation of attractors with total test score. If it is lower, the attractor will be flagged.


Numeric. Maximum correlation of distractors with total test score. If it is higher, the respective distractor will be flagged.


Numeric. Maximum correlation of missing with total test score. If it is higher, the respective missing type will be flagged.


List. NULL (empty list) if everything is OK. Otherwise, returns list of character vectors containing the names of the flagged items:


Items with attractor frequency of zero.


Items with distractor frequencies of zero.


Items with too low (lower than minPbcAtt) or missing attractor correlations.


Items with too high (higher than maxPbcDis) distractor correlations.


Items with too high (higher than maxPbcMis) missing type correlations.


Karoline Sachse, Philipp Franikowski



datRaw <- mergeData(newID = "ID", datList = inputDat, addMbd = TRUE)
#> Start merging of dataset 1.
#> Start merging of dataset 2.
#> Start merging of dataset 3.
#> Start adding mbd according to data pattern.
datRec <- recodeData(datRaw, values = inputList$values,
pbcs   <- catPbc(datRaw, datRec, idRaw = "ID", idRec = "ID",
    context.vars = "hisei", values = inputList$values,
    subunits = inputList$subunits)
#>  The attractors (score 1) of the following 1 item were chosen with a frequency
#> of zero: I14. This should not happen. Please check.
#> ! The distractors (score 0) of the following 1 item were chosen with a
#> frequency of zero: I14_7. This may happen, but is probably not intended.
#>  catPbcs for attractors (score 1) of the following 3 items are worrisome low (< 0.05) or missing: I12c:_0.01, I14:_NA, and I24:_-0.12
#>  catPbcs for distractors (score 0) of the following 9 items are unexpectedly high (> 0.005): I02_4_0.11, I07_3_0.26, I07_4_0.03, I12c_3_0.03, I13_4_0.01, I14_4_0.06, I14_5_0.04, I15_3_0.03, I17_1_0.06, I17_3_0.04, I22_3_0.13, and I24_1_0.21
#> ! catPbcs for mistype 'mir' of the following 3 items are relatively high (>
#> 0.07): I01_8_0.27, I03_8_0.29, and I16_8_0.08
#> ! catPbcs for mistype 'mbi' of the following 8 items are relatively high (>
#> 0.07): I01_9_0.11, I02_9_0.15, I16_9_0.14, I17_9_0.16, I18_9_0.19, I20_9_0.14,
#> I21_9_0.15, and I23_9_0.17
#>  For a list of problematic items, save the `output` of this function and
#> return the item names as a vector:
#> • `output$zeroFreqAtt`
#> • `output$zeroFreqDis`
#> • `output$lowMisPbcAtt`
#> • `output$highPbcDis`
#> • `output$highPbcMis$mir`
#> • `output$highPbcMis$mbi`