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mnrCoding converts missing responses coded as missing by intention at the end of a block of items to missing not reached.


mnrCoding (dat, pid,, blocks, booklets, breaks, 
    subunits = NULL, nMbi = 2, mbiCode = "mbi", mnrCode = "mnr", 
    invalidCodes = c("mbd", "mir", "mci"), verbose = FALSE)



A dataset. Missing by intention needs to be coded mbi.


Name or column number of identifier (ID) variable in dat

A character vector of length 1 indicating the column name of the test booklet identfier in dat.


A data frame containing the sequence of subunits in each block in long format. The column names need to be subunit, block, subunitBlockPosition.


A data frame containing the sequence of blocks in each booklet in wide format. The column names need to be booklet, block1, block2, block3 ....


Number of blocks after which mbi shall be recoded to mnr, e.g., c(1,2) to specify breaks after the first and second block.


Optional: A data frame with subunit information if a dataset is used that has been recoded with recodeData. This data frame will be used to find the names of recoded subunits in dat.


Number of mbi-Codes required at the end of a block to code mnr. Needs to be > 0.


Character indicating mbi (missing by intention) in dataset.


Character to which mnr has to be recoded.


Character vector indicating missing codes to be ignored.


logical. If TRUE additional diagnostics are printed.


In order to code mnr, a certain number of subunits at the end of a block need to be coded mbi. This number can be specified with the argument nMbi. The default is 2, i.e. if the last and second to last subitem in a block are coded mbi, both subunits, as well as the preceding subunits coded mbi, will be recoded to mnr. If nMbi is larger than the number of subunits in a given block, no subitem in this block will be recoded. If all subunits in a block are coded mbi, none of them will be recoded to mnr.

If a subunits data frame is specified, recodeMbiToMnr expects to find the recoded subunits in dat.

Examples for data frames booklets, blocks, rotation and subunits can be found via data(inputList)


A data frame with missing not reached coded as mnr. For each person with at least one mnr in the returned dataset the names of recoded variables are given as an attribute to dat.



prepDat <- automateDataPreparation (inputList = inputList, 
    datList = inputDat, readSpss = FALSE, checkData=FALSE, 
    mergeData = TRUE, recodeData=TRUE, aggregateData=FALSE, 
    scoreData= FALSE, writeSpss=FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
#> Starting automateDataPreparation 2025-02-20 08:20:00.192358
#> Check has been skipped.
#> Start merging.
#> Start merging of dataset 1.
#> Start merging of dataset 2.
#> Start merging of dataset 3.
#> Start adding mbd according to data pattern.
#> Start recoding.
#> Found no recode information for variable(s): 
#> ID, hisei. 
#> This/These variable(s) will not be recoded.
#> Variables... I01, I02, I03, I04, I05, I06, I07, I08, I09, I10, I11, I12a, I12b, I12c, I13, I14, I15, I16, I17, I18, I19, I20, I21, I22, I23, I24, I25, I26, I27, I28
#> ...have been recoded.
#> RecodeMnr has been skipped.
#> Aggregate has been skipped.
#> Scoring has been skipped.
#> No SPSS-File has been written.
#> Missings are UNcollapsed.
#> automateDataPreparation terminated successfully! 2025-02-20 08:20:00.30319
prepDat2 <- mergeData("ID", list(prepDat, inputList$rotation))       
#> Start merging of dataset 1.
#> Start merging of dataset 2.
mnrDat <- mnrCoding (dat = prepDat2, pid = "ID", 
    booklets = inputList$booklets, blocks = inputList$blocks, = "booklet", breaks = c(1, 2), 
    subunits = inputList$subunits, nMbi = 2, mbiCode = "mbi", 
    mnrCode = "mnr", invalidCodes = c("mbd", "mir", "mci"), 
    verbose = TRUE)
#> ...identifying items in data (reference is blocks$subunit)
#> Variables in data not recognized as items:
#> ID, hisei, booklet
#> If some of these excluded variables should have been identified as items (and thus be used for mnr coding) check 'blocks', 'subunits', 'dat'.
#> ...identifying items with no mbi-codes ('mbi'):
#> I04R, I08R
#> If you expect mbi-codes on these variables check your data and option 'mbiCode'
#> mnr statistics:
#>      mnr cells: 553
#>      unique cases with at least one mnr code: 89
#>      unique items with at least one mnr code: 16
#> unique cases ('ID') per booklet and booklet section (0s omitted):
#>    booklet booklet.section N.ID
#> 1 booklet1               2   11
#> 2 booklet1               3   28
#> 3 booklet2               1   28
#> 4 booklet2               2   11
#> 5 booklet2               3    1
#> 6 booklet3               3   31
#> start recoding (item-wise)
#> done
#> elapsed time: 0.1 secs