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Score datasets with special consideration of missing values.


scoreData(dat, unitrecodings, subunits, verbose = FALSE, ...)



A data frame


A data frame with information about the scoring of units. See ‘Details’.


A data frame with subunit information. See ‘Details’.


logical. If TRUE additional information is printed.


Additional arguments.


This function is very similar to recodeData, but with a few defaults that are better suited for scoring. scoreData will give warnings when incomplete scoring informations are found. Values without scoring information will not be scored.

Examples of data frames unitrecodings and units can be found via data(inputList).


A data frame with scored variables according to the specifications in unitrecodings and units.


Nicole Mahler



prepDat <- automateDataPreparation (inputList = inputList, datList = inputDat,
    readSpss = FALSE, checkData=FALSE, mergeData = TRUE, recodeData=TRUE,
    aggregateData=TRUE, scoreData= FALSE, writeSpss=FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
#> Starting automateDataPreparation 2024-09-11 08:53:47.739953
#> Check has been skipped.
#> Start merging.
#> Start merging of dataset 1.
#> Start merging of dataset 2.
#> Start merging of dataset 3.
#> Start adding mbd according to data pattern.
#> Start recoding.
#> Found no recode information for variable(s): 
#> ID, hisei. 
#> This/These variable(s) will not be recoded.
#> Variables... I01, I02, I03, I04, I05, I06, I07, I08, I09, I10, I11, I12a, I12b, I12c, I13, I14, I15, I16, I17, I18, I19, I20, I21, I22, I23, I24, I25, I26, I27, I28
#> ...have been recoded.
#> RecodeMnr has been skipped.
#> Start aggregating
#> Since inputList$aggrMiss exists, this will be used instead of default.
#> All aggregation rules will be defaulted to 'SUM', because no other type is currently supported.
#> Found 27 unit(s) with only one subunit in 'dat'. This/these subunit(s) will not be aggregated and renamed to their respective unit name(s).
#> 1 units were aggregated: I12.
#> Scoring has been skipped.
#> No SPSS-File has been written.
#> Missings are UNcollapsed.
#> automateDataPreparation terminated successfully! 2024-09-11 08:53:47.865118

datSco <- scoreData(prepDat, inputList$unitRecodings, inputList$subunits,
    verbose = TRUE)
#>  1 unit was scored: `I12`.
#> 'data.frame':	300 obs. of  30 variables:
#>  $ ID   : chr  "person100" "person101" "person102" "person103" ...
#>  $ hisei: chr  "49" NA "57" "32" ...
#>  $ I01  : chr  "0" "mbi" "1" "0" ...
#>  $ I02  : chr  "0" "0" "0" "0" ...
#>  $ I03  : chr  "0" "1" "1" "0" ...
#>  $ I04  : chr  "1" "1" "0" "0" ...
#>  $ I05  : chr  "0" "0" "0" "1" ...
#>  $ I06  : chr  "0" "mbi" "0" "1" ...
#>  $ I07  : chr  "0" "0" "0" "0" ...
#>  $ I08  : chr  "0" "1" "0" "0" ...
#>  $ I09  : chr  "0" "0" "0" "0" ...
#>  $ I10  : chr  "1" "0" "0" "0" ...
#>  $ I11  : chr  "0" "0" "1" "0" ...
#>  $ I13  : chr  "mbi" "0" "mbi" "0" ...
#>  $ I14  : chr  "mbi" "0" "mbi" "0" ...
#>  $ I15  : chr  "mbi" "0" "mbi" "1" ...
#>  $ I16  : chr  "mbi" "0" "mbi" "0" ...
#>  $ I17  : chr  "mbi" "0" "mbi" "0" ...
#>  $ I18  : chr  "mbi" "1" "mbi" "1" ...
#>  $ I19  : chr  "mbi" "1" "mbi" "0" ...
#>  $ I20  : chr  "mbi" "0" "mbi" "0" ...
#>  $ I21  : chr  "mbi" "0" "mbi" "1" ...
#>  $ I22  : chr  "mbd" "mbd" "mbd" "mbd" ...
#>  $ I23  : chr  "mbd" "mbd" "mbd" "mbd" ...
#>  $ I24  : chr  "mbd" "mbd" "mbd" "mbd" ...
#>  $ I25  : chr  "mbd" "mbd" "mbd" "mbd" ...
#>  $ I26  : chr  "mbd" "mbd" "mbd" "mbd" ...
#>  $ I27  : chr  "mbd" "mbd" "mbd" "mbd" ...
#>  $ I28  : chr  "mbd" "mbd" "mbd" "mbd" ...
#>  $ I12  : chr  "0" "0" "0" "0" ...